张云鹏教授立足于癌症精准医学大数据通路组学研究、聚焦癌症ncRNA功能机制解析,带领其研究团队关注研究领域的前沿动态、不断开拓创新,在人类恶性肿瘤相关的非编码RNA识别、癌症风险通路识别与分析、DNA甲基化驱动的恶性肿瘤风险标志物识别、microRNA和lncRNA协同调控分析、非编码RNA相关生物网络的构建以及生物信息学软件开发等研究方向取得丰硕成果。研究成果以论文形式发表在《美高梅博彩网站》(SCI IF: 11.561)、《美高梅》、《美高梅》、《美高梅博彩网站》等国际期刊上,累计发表SCI论文60余篇,第一作者或通讯作者发表论文43篇,其中17篇论文单篇SCI影响因子>10,累计SCI影响因子450余点,H指数31。部分研究成果获得科技成果奖励,包括教育部优秀成果二等奖、省政府科技成果二等奖2项、中华医学科技奖三等奖、省高校科技成果二等奖2项。开发多个研究软件和数据库,其中3项研究成果成功获批国家软件著作权。先后承担科研项目12项,其中主持科研项目8项(包括国家级项目3项,省级项目4项,市级项目1项),参加国家级科研项目4项(国家863项目和国家973项目各1项,国家自然科学基金项目2项)。
积极开展教育教学研究项目,并将研究成果带入教学实践中,带领两个小队的学生开展大学生创新创业训练,并圆满完成任务。同时,大力推进教材建设,以副主编《美高梅》(“十三五” 全国高等医学院校本科规划教材),受springer出版社邀请参与《美高梅》书籍的编写工作(作为editor之一)。
《美高梅》,2018年,springer出版社,YunpengZhang (Editors之一);
《美高梅博彩网站》(the third edition),“2. RNA Function Prediction”,2017年,springer出版社,Yunpeng Zhang (参编)
Gao, Y., S. Shang, S. Guo, X. Li, H. Zhou, H. Liu, Y. Sun, J. Wang, P. Wang, H. Zhi, X. Li, S. Ning, andY. Zhang*,Lnc2Cancer 3.0: an updated resource for experimentally supported lncRNA/circRNA cancer associations and web tools based on RNA-seq and scRNA-seq data.Nucleic Acids Res,2021. 49(D1): p. D1251-D1258.(SCI: 11.501)(第一通讯)
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Zhang, Y., P.Wang, X. Li, S. Ning, X. Li, Y. Cao, and S.X. Chen,GABC: A comprehensive resource and Genome Atlas for Breast Cancer.Int J Cancer, 2021. 148(4): p. 988-994.(SCI: 5.145)(第一作者)
Wang, L.#, H. Zhao#, Y. Xu#, J. Li#, C. Deng, Y. Deng, J. Bai, X. Li*, Y. Xiao*, andY. Zhang*,Systematic identification of lincRNA-based prognostic biomarkers by integrating lincRNA expression and copy number variation in lung adenocarcinoma. Int J Cancer,2019. 144(7):1723-1734(SCI: 4.982)(第一通讯)
Li, Y.#,Y. Zhang#, X.Li*, S. Yi*, and J. Xu*,Gain-of-Function Mutations: An Emerging Advantage for Cancer Biology.Trends Biochem Sci, 2019.44(8): 659-674(SCI: 16.889)(并列第一)
Zhang, H.#, S. Luo#, X. Zhang#, J. Liao#, F. Quan, E. Zhao, C. Zhou, F. Yu, W. Yin,Y. Zhang*, Y. Xiao*, and X. Li*,SEECancer: a resource for somatic events in evolution of cancer genome.Nucleic Acids Res, 2018, 46(D1): p.D1018-D1026.(SCI: 11.147)(共同通讯)
Zhang, G.#, J. Shi#, S. Zhu#, Y. Lan, L. Xu, H. Yuan, G. Liao, X. Liu,Y. Zhang*, Y. Xiao*, and X. Li*,DiseaseEnhancer: a resource of human disease-associated enhancer catalog.Nucleic Acids Res, 2017.(SCI: 11.561)(共同通讯)
Li, Y.#, L. Li#, Z. Wang#, T. Pan, N. Sahni, X. Jin, G. Wang, J. Li, X. Zheng,Y. Zhang*, J. Xu*, S. Yi*, and X. Li*,LncMAP: Pan-cancer atlas of long noncoding RNA-mediated transcriptional network perturbations.Nucleic Acids Res,2018.46(3): p. 1113-1123.(SCI: 11.147)(共同通讯)
Lu, J.#, J. Xu#, J. Li#, T. Pan#, J. Bai, L. Wang, X. Jin, X. Lin,Y. Zhang*, Y. Li*, N. Sahni*, and X. Li*,FACER: comprehensive molecular and functional characterization of epigenetic chromatin regulators.Nucleic Acids Res, 2018.46(19): p. 10019-10033.(SCI: 11.147)(共同通讯)
Yue, M.#, D. Zhou#, H. Zhi#, P. Wang#, Y. Gao, M. Guo, X. Li, Y. Wang,Y. Zhang*, S. Ning*, and X. Li*,MSDD: a manually curated database of experimentally supported associations among miRNAs, SNPs and human diseases.Nucleic Acids Res, 2018, 46(D1): p. D181-D185.(SCI: 11.147)(共同通讯)
Yongsheng Li#*, Tiantongfei Jiang#, Weiwei Zhou#, Junyi Li, Xinhui Li, Qi Wang, Xiaoyan Jin,Jiaqi Yin, Liuxin Chen,Y. Zhang, Juan Xu*, Xia Li*,Pan-cancer characterization of immune- related lncRNAs identifies potential oncogenic biomarkers.Nature Communications.(2020) 11:1000 s41467-020-14802-2(SCI:11.878)
Zhao, H#., J. Shi#,Y. Zhang#, A. Xie, L. Yu, C. Zhang, J. Lei, H. Xu, Z. Leng, T. Li, W. Huang, S. Lin, L. Wang*, Y. Xiao*, and X.Li*, LncTarD: a manually-curated database of experimentally-supported functional lncRNA-target regulations in human diseases.Nucleic Acids Res, 2020.(SCI: 11.147)(共同第一)
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